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Attribution: EDAW, Maunsell, Northrop

Client: Port Botany Amenities

Location: Botany Bay, NSW, Australia

Status: Complete

Program: Amenities

Year: 2006 - 2009

The amenities block is located between the foreshore beach and the boat ramp and thus provides easy access and visibility from the two main public domain areas. It is also linked to the pedestrian/cycle path and the pedestrian overpass bridge to Sir Joseph BanksPark. The design provides a covered area of public amenities which includes 4WC (1 universal access), 2 change facilities, open wash basin area, bubblers, dog bowl, and seating. In addition, the eastern store enclosure is sized to store coffee carts and stools for coffee operators if demand permits. In line with current best practice, it is an 'open' design facility allowing full visibility from the public domain, making it both safer and more welcoming. It is a place to stop, rest, gain orientation for walkers and cyclists. It is also a good location to prepare the family for a day at the beach. The linear curved design integrates seamlessly with the landscape design and assists in defining this end of the beach. In addition, the design allows the facility to be seen as a landscape element rather than a 'toilet block'. Sustainable design features such as integrated rainwater tank, skylights, and cross ventilation are incorporated. Durable natural finishes such as recycled hardwoods and textured concrete are proposed to create a facility that will age gracefully, whilst also requiring a lower level of maintenance.

Project partners

Simon Whitbread


2009 AR Awards for Emerging Architecture, Commendation

2011 AIA NSW, Commendation (Small Projects)

Port Botany Amenities

Project partners